Judy Fowler, a licensed massage therapist, describes massage therapy as, “a hands on modality that can have immediate effect on the internal well being of your bodily systems and on your psychological and emotional state. Because it’s a hands on touch therapy, it’s an emotional, psychological, physical experience.”
There are many benefits to massage therapy that are not commonly known. The active pressure by the masseuse engages the parasympathetic system within your body. This system, which is part of the Autonomic Nervous System, is responsible for slowing your breathing, lowering your heart rate and blood pressure, and allowing you to relax. Similar to when you are sick, the most effective way to heal is simply by sleeping. While you sleep, the Autonomic Nervous System can focus on the part of the body that needs healing. While getting a massage, your body relaxes enough to allow the Autonomic Nervous System to do the same. Massage therapy has been known to treat digestive disorders, fibromyalgia, headaches, soft tissue strains, injuries and Temporomandibular Joint Disorders (TMJ). Apart from the physical benefits, it can also alleviate anxiety, stress related disorders and insomnia.
Below, we’ve listed a few of the different kinds of massages you can receive. Each technique applies a different kind of pressure, allowing you to find the right touch for your specific needs.
Swedish massage is a medium to deep pressure that uses stroke techniques. Deep tissues massage and sports massage fall under this category. Typically, oils and creams are used.
For Thai massage, the practitioner uses their own body weight to apply pressure or compression.
Trigger Point
Trigger point applies pressure to specific points on sensitive areas within your muscles, without using stroking techniques. This is great for those troublesome knots in your shoulders.
Reflexology uses pressure on specific points on the sole of the feet and the palms of the hand that have a direct relationship to the organs and systems of the body. No oils or creams are used.
Pre-Natal is specifically for those patients who are pregnant. At JFPT, we use sidlines, where the patient lays on their side with extra pillows for support and comfort.
Geriatric massage is for the elder generation. The masseuse pays attention to intake snf any medical conditions. Softer pressure is applied.
Find out which services we offer at James Fowler Physical Therapy!
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