Four Women Who Inspire and Impact Physical Therapy Methodology

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As we close Women’s History Month, we want to reflect on contributions made by women to the world of Physical Therapy and how that has transferred into the treatment approach at James Fowler P.T.

We continuously celebrate the many change-makers that have pushed the advancements of Physical Therapy in the work that we do. But the work of the following four women is just an example of the many that impact the field and continue to inspire us on an individual level.


As we close Women’s History Month, we want to reflect on contributions made by women to the world of Physical Therapy and how that has transferred into the treatment approach at James Fowler P.T.

We continuously celebrate the many change-makers that have pushed the advancements of Physical Therapy in the work that we do. But the work of the following four women is just an example of the many that impact the field and continue to inspire us on an individual level.



Jenny is an Australian physiotherapist best known for her contributions to the management of Patellofemoral pain through her unique patellar taping and training techniques developed in 1984.

Jenny’s thorough understanding of the musculoskeletal problem and, specifically, knee function has contributed to the kinetic chain approach used during patient analysis at JFPT.



Katharina developed the most well-known physical therapy for scoliosis: The Schroth Method. This method uses customized exercises for each patient to return the curved spine to a more natural position.

At JFPT, our patients receive treatment plans aligned with the Schroth Method.



At JFPT, we value Michelle as a Somatic Movement Professional whose highly personalized approach cultivates a safe and compassionate space for healing through the relationship of body, mind, spirit, and heart.

Michelle’s ability to see and guide the whole body-self into a healthy balance, supportive movement patterns, and optimal energy flow is a signature of her integrative therapy practice. We refer our patients to her for continued therapy.


Many more women have impacted or continue to impact the field of Physical Therapy. We’re grateful to the past and current contributors and will continue celebrating all women!

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