How to Reduce Back and Neck Pain Associated with Office Work

James Fowler Physical TherapyBack & Neck, Corporate Wellness, Pain & Pain ManagementLeave a Comment

Ergonomic Center Program

Humans are made to move. Observe small children when a song plays. They allow their hips to swerve as they feel the rhythm.  As adults, the 9am-5pm office job at a desk, in a corporation or as an attorney in a law firm for example, leaves us without the ability to move- without the ability to let our bodies do … Read More

Text Neck: How to Correct the Problem and Ease the Pain

James Fowler Physical TherapyBack & Neck, Health & Wellness, Pain & Pain Management, Stretches & Warm-UpsLeave a Comment

In our modern day society, if you don’t own a smart phone, you are part of the vast minority. According to a survey by Deloitte, an average person checks their phone 46 times a day. That’s a lot of time spent looking down. You might have begun to experience a tightness in the back of your neck, and probably assumed … Read More

4 Ways Foam Rolling Will Save Your Muscles

James Fowler Physical TherapyBack & Neck, Stretches & Warm-UpsLeave a Comment

Whether you are an assiduous gym-goer, a once-a-month runner or recovering from an injury, you are going to have sore muscles at some point. You stretch post workout, and do your exercises but sometimes it doesn’t ease the pain. A foam roller is an inexpensive and small miracle worker that helps loosen tight muscles that stretching alone just doesn’t seem … Read More

Back Pain – Degenerative Disk Disease & Spinal Stenosis

James Fowler Physical TherapyBack & Neck, Pain & Pain ManagementLeave a Comment

Back pain is an issue affecting millions of Americans and continues to be a growing condition. According to studies about 80% of Americans suffer from back pain and it’s the leading cause for job related disability. Chronic back pain is a condition that can linger for months and should be taken seriously. It’s critical to seek a seasoned doctor and … Read More